Our process is designed to help you select the services that will be most helpful to you. We then customize these services to ensure that you receive the maximum benefit from each.
We’ll begin with an initial, 20-30 min. consultation call, at no charge. The purpose will be to discuss your specific needs and objectives, and determine which services you would like us to provide. We’ll also discuss the fees that we will charge for those services. If these are acceptable to you, we’ll email a proposal, detailing the services, schedule, and business terms.
The project will begin once we receive the signed proposal and payment. We’ll send you a Résumé Information Form to complete. Once we receive the completed form, we’ll set up an in-depth interview to discuss your goals for the next step in your career, in greater detail. We’ll review the information you provided, analyze sample job descriptions, and refine the résumé approach and strategy.
The subsequent steps and schedule will be determined by the specific services you’ve selected and will be detailed in the proposal.